Meditation for Wellness makes it way to private groups, schools, workplaces and professional development, to provide practical, tangible ways to be and feel well, even through difficult and challenging times.
Participants learn about what meditation is, (and is not), gain deeper understanding of the effects of stress on the brain and nervous system, and learn how to access and work with the most sophisticated neurocircuitry we possess as humans for self-care.
Together we will learn and practice techniques for self-regulation and learn principles and practices of mindfulness and meditation, that can be taken anywhere. Everyone participating leaves with real-time, go-to practices to increase comfort in the body, ease in the body and an overall sense of well-being.
Ready for something new? Private groups join for family holiday events, girls night out and other private workshops. Introduce meditation for wellness as a lifestyle and leave everyone with foundational knowledge and introductory practices to begin exploring meditation for wellness as a lifestyle!
I knew that you would do an outstanding presentation yesterday, but your performance and our staff response was beyond my expectation. Thanks Again, Rachel for your stellar work.