Many Paths to Truth

Picture of Rachel Wixey

Rachel Wixey


There are many paths to truth; this is one of them.”

This most recent Sunday in our service, we decided to bring in some other teachings. So generally we’re working with the principles from “A Course in Miracles”, and getting the intellectual understanding, and then also identifying what practices we can work within our own personal protected time for practice; and then how we use those practices to support us while out in the world. And of course, the miracles and the principles were still very much in play in this last service. 

But also in play were some other teachings and the other great teachings in the worldare always very similar in nature, but languaged differently. As the Course says, there are many paths to truth; this is one of them. And this other set of teachings that we worked with were the teachings of Abraham (Hicks). Again, many paths to truth. This is one of them. They say and point to the same things. In essence, they’re just languaged differently, I’m sure, with the intent to reach who that type of language speaks to. 

What we ended up working with as a group was this -not only ability to focus our attention on purpose where we want to, but also really drilling into the fact that what we focus upon is what we get back. This idea that we have our free will to think whatever we wish to think, and that the importance of understanding that, as we focus our attentional awareness somewhere on purpose, this is what we’re penetrating out into the world to receive back into our experience. This is what we’re declaring and announcing that we wish to experience. 

So if we’re focusing on someone else’s guilt, for example, we don’t think that we’re saying, “Dear God, let me see more of their guilt.” But in essence, this is what we’re doing each time we choose to focus our attention on – fill in the blank.  It doesn’t matter because through our free will we think what we want to think and that through the laws of the Universe, we receive back that which we focus upon. And we can tend to forget this because we get caught up in justifying what we’re focused on. “Well, I can’t believe he did that again or he’s showing up this way or he’s done this for years. I know that’s just how he’s going to be.”  

Free will means there is nothing, there is no power that is going to step in, intervene and say, “I’m not going to allow you to think that way”. You may think whatever you wish to think, but that same power is going to be I’m sorry, not that same power. The powers that do exist. Rather, the power that beats our heart. The power that heals a scab, the power that grows our hair. The power that fill in the blank on these things that we don’t have to do, but are still very much alive and active in our lives. This is the power that supports our every thought and then begins to develop and thrust it out into our experience. 

And each time we feel good, each time we’re willing to prioritize feeling good, feeling at ease, feeling some amount of joy, it allows us vibrationally to rise to the occasion. The occasion being the things that we most deeply desire. And A Course in Miracles would say that those things are held for us in “escrow”. And each time we open our minds and open our hearts to the presence of love, we rise to the occasion. And the loving experience that’s held for us in escrow can come to be manifested in our lives, realized in our lives. 

And the teachings of Abraham say that all of our deep desires are in the “vortex”.  And our vortex holds a certain vibrational frequency that requires us to feel good in order for us to rise to it, but that through our freewill, we’re able to get there at any time. 

And so just inviting you to contemplate these principles and these different teachings and the parallels of them, and then also a very direct invitation for you to begin experimenting with this in your life. And the beauty of it is, is if we consciously experiment with focus my attention and awareness on something, feel good, do I see it turn out in my life?..  or even focus my attention on something, do I see it in my life? -gives us that feedback in terms of experience and how these principles work. 

By the way, if you want to know what somebody’s been thinking about, look around them. 

Thank you for taking a few minutes to hear and discover just a bit about what this past Sunday service entailed. And otherwise, I hope that your practice continues to support you, and keep taking good care.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

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