The ego speaks first, and the ego speaks loudest.

Picture of Rachel Wixey

Rachel Wixey


Welcome ❤ There is something sweet and meaningful about the sincerity people are joining with for Sunday Service, and I am unable to hold space for this on Sunday June 26th.  This post offers a short talk that allows this community and others to continue working with the principles we discuss in this time.  

A little warning… I want to acknowledge the background noise of this audio.  This is something my Joni would typically give me a hard “No” on. ? She’s truly committed to a quality experience for those who take time in our socials, blog, site, etc.  However, I am in a hotel room as I recorded this material, and am competing later today in a dance competition. (❤btw, for those who don’t know me well, dance is my first true love in life and was able to return to it in January of 2020 ❤). 

So asking for some grace on the HVAC that you may hear.  And, if you do choose to listen, please know this is a direct invitation to incorporate spiritual principles of love and forgiveness, into your daily meditation practice.  These are principles that support us in our joy, and begin to release us from the pain and suffering of anger and judgement.  

I hope you find this supportive, and as always, am open to thoughts, questions or “yeah-but’s” that you may have.  Please feel free to ask below and I will respond.

Otherwise, I’m wishing you well.  Next Sunday Service is Sunday July 3rd.  Until then, keep taking good care.

Much love,


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